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Selectmen's Minutes 07/30/2007
Town Hall

July 30, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectmen William Roach

OTHERS:  See sign up sheet attached to the file copy of the minutes.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma M. Smith at 7:03 PM.


A member of the public stated that she thought the new meeting room looked wonderful.

Rhonda Gurney asked if bike racks might be put in the harbor area.  She was told to speak with Donna Nashawaty about this.


A.  Mary Epreium, Faith Raney Interview for Open Library Trustee

Emma Smith explained the Selectmen’s new policy on appointing members to various boards and committees.  In the past, the Selectmen asked the board or committee to present them with a recommendation on who they felt should be appointed to an opening.  The Selectmen’s new procedure is that the Board interviews the individuals who show interest prior to appointment.  E. Smith asked each individual why they wished to be appointed.  Mary Epemium explained that she is currently an alternate to the board and has held an interest in the library for many years.  She is concerned about the bitterness between the long term trustees and the newly voted trustees.  She would like to act as a bridge to try to get the Board working together.  She believes the site for a new library is the most important job in front of the Trustees now.  She feels she would be in better position to assist with this project as a regular member instead of an alternate.  Stephen White stated he has known Mary Epreium for many years and  feels she would do well in the position.  Richard Leone asked how the vacancy on the Board came about.  Peter Urbach explained that Allan Davis has resigned from the Trustees and this position would fill his vacancy until the next election.  He also informed the Selectmen that the next expected resignation is that of John Mapley, who is the treasurer for the Trustees.  Richard Leone stated that he would like to have a full board present when the Selectmen make the decision.  William Roach is absent tonight due to illness.  R. Leone would like to make a decision on this matter at the next meeting.  Stephen White stated that he
Board of Selectmen
July 30, 2007

disagreed.  He feels the Board should make a decision at this meeting.  S. White stated that he had one question for Ms. Raney.  He stated that Faith Raney had written on her application that she would like to see the Board of Trustees become more a part of the community and  to cooperate with other organizations and committees.  He asked why she feels they are not a part of the community.  Faith Raney stated that she believes all the boards and committees need to get together to look at what their various boards/committees provide for the Town.  She feels their involvement is necessary to work cooperatively and does not feel this occurred with the  Ski Tow Hill site.  S. White stated that he did not agree with that and has worked with the various committees regarding this site.   He sensed cooperation within these committees.   F. Raney stated she did not say there was no cooperation, just not enough.   She stated that she was on the Board of Trustees with Emma Smith.  F. Raney stated there is much more to being a Trustee than people know.  Not only do they deal with the site to construct a new library, but they have to deal daily with the operations of the library.  The question was asked what boards have alternates.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the Selectmen have the authority under state statutes  to appointment alternates.  Rhonda Gurney spoke in favor of Faith Raney.  Peter Urbach spoke in favor of Mary Epremium.  Stephen White stated that he would like Selectman, William Roach, to be present for the voting.  Shaun Carroll stated that since there were only four Selectmen present, this vote could end in a tie.  Emma Smith stated that she, as chairman, would step down from voting.   Motion was made  (Leone/Gallup) to appointment Faith Raney as a Trustee for the Abbott Library.  The vote was 2 in favor and one opposed.  

2.  Steve Fair Introduction to BOS as newest Library Trustee

Steve Fair was introduced to the Board of Selectmen.  It is hoped he will take the position of Treasurer of the Abbott Trustees, a position left vacant with the resignation of John Mapley.  S. Fair stated that he was a CPA, and was always active in the library.  Emma Smith stated that any one well versed in finances is more than welcome on the Board.  


July 16, 2007:   Motion was made (White/Leone) to accept the minutes of the July 16, 2007 meeting.  The motion carried.


A.  Crowther Chapel:  Number of Members

Donna Nashawaty has been emailing Randy Richards of the Crowther Chapel Committee.  She informed R. Richards that the Board would like to discuss with the Chapel Committee reducing the membership to 5 from 7.    She carbon copied other

Board of Selectmen
July 30, 2007

members of the Committee in her email to R. Richards. She has not received any response regarding her email.  D. Nashawaty passed out copies of the decree dated either   
1989 or 1990.  A copy of the decree is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  The last page of the decree establishes an advisory committee to assist with the maintenance of the assets.  The Selectmen voted in 1989 to establish this committee.   Emma Smith explained the purpose of the committee.  She was appointed to the committee as Selectmen’s Representative.  Just recently, Richard Leone, offered to be the Selectmen’s Representative.  Donna Nashawaty explained what she knew of the committee.  The appointments were made on rotating terms.  There are two vacancies now on the committee.

B.  Parking in the Harbor – River Lot

Donna Nashawaty read an email she received from Ron Verblauw regarding the parking area owned by the Sunapee Harbor Riverway.  The letter was in response to the Selectmen’s request to enforce the 2 hour parking limit in the harbor in the town’s lots as well as those owned by the Riverway.  The letter states that after meeting and discussing the issue with tenants and members of the Riverway, it was decided that the 2 hour limit was too short and the Riverway is asking that the signs placed in their lot by the town be removed.  D. Nashawaty will ask T. Bergeron to remove any signs on the Riverway property.  


Emma Smith thanks Donna Nashawaty for the wonderful job she did at the Summer Town Meeting.  Attendance at the meeting was discussed.  E. Smith stated that she has spoken with some people in Town, and the consensus was that the Summer Town Meeting should be held the first week in July or the last week in August because those times in between are typically vacation times for many families.  She also suggested that the banner advertising Summer Town Meeting be flown over Main St. for better visibility.  


Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that the open house for the Safety Services Building is being held August 18th from 10 AM to 2 PM.

A motion was made, seconded  and carried to enter non-public session at 8:10 PM in accordance with RSA 91:A:3 II(a) to discuss a public employee.  

A motion was made, seconded and carried to leave non-public session at 8:50 PM.  Motion was made to seal the minutes of the public session.  The voice vote was unanimous.

Board of Selectmen
July 30, 2007

Meeting adjourned at 9 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                                     Approved________________

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ____________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup